Lifting Database

Lifter - Edgar Castillo

Birth year: 2003
State: Texas

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 262.5 kg Winter Games of Texas 01/11/2025
Bench press 137.5 kg Winter Games of Texas 01/13/2024
Deadlift 265 kg Winter Games of Texas 01/11/2025
Total 665 kg Winter Games of Texas 01/11/2025

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
01/11/2025 Winter Games of Texas 1. R-JR -110 106.26 240 252.5 262.5 137.5 -142.5 -145 235 255 265 665 399.15
01/13/2024 Winter Games of Texas 2. R-JR -110 100.40 222.5 -232.5 -232.5 127.5 132.5 137.5 225 235 -237.5 595 365.60