Lifting Database

Lifter - Maddox Miller

Birth year: 2012
State: Oklahoma


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Oklahoma State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -75 Squat 55 kg 02/10/2024
Oklahoma State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -75 Bench press 42.5 kg 02/10/2024
Oklahoma State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -75 Bench press single lift 42.5 kg 02/10/2024
Oklahoma State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -75 Deadlift 75 kg 02/10/2024
Oklahoma State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -75 Total 172.5 kg 02/10/2024
Oklahoma State Raw Records Raw Youth 2 -75 Total push-pull 117.5 kg 02/10/2024

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 67.5 kg Iron Sharpens Iron Oklahoma 08/03/2024
Bench press 45 kg Iron Sharpens Iron Oklahoma 08/03/2024
Deadlift 97.5 kg Iron Sharpens Iron Oklahoma 08/03/2024
Total 210 kg Iron Sharpens Iron Oklahoma 08/03/2024

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotal19. Feb4. Mar18. Mar1. Apr15. Apr29. Apr13. May27. May10. Jun24. Jun8. Jul22. Jul5. Aug40608010012050100150200250
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
08/03/2024 Iron Sharpens Iron Oklahoma 1. R-Y3 -75 73.80 57.5 62.5 67.5 40 45 -47.5 85 97.5 -105 210 152.23
02/10/2024 Oklahoma State Championships 1. R-Y2 -75 71.80 45 52.5 55 32.5 37.5 42.5 70 75 -97.5 172.5 127.35