Lifting Database

Lifter - Josh Rohr

Birth year: 1983
State: Georgia


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Georgia State Equipped Records Open -100 Deadlift single lift 305 kg 01/01/2012
Ohio State Equipped Records Junior -75 Squat 270 kg 12/31/1969
Ohio State Equipped Records Junior -75 Deadlift 292.5 kg 12/31/1969
Ohio State Equipped Records Junior -75 Total 712.5 kg 12/31/1969
Ohio State Equipped Records Collegiate -75 Squat 270 kg 12/31/1969
Ohio State Equipped Records Collegiate -75 Deadlift 292.5 kg 12/31/1969
Ohio State Equipped Records Collegiate -75 Total 712.5 kg 12/31/1969
Ohio State Equipped Records Open -75 Deadlift 292.5 kg 12/31/1969
Ohio State Equipped Records Open -75 Total 712.5 kg 12/31/1969

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 217.5 kg 3rd Annual USAPL Powerlifting for Pink 11/07/2015
Bench press 132.5 kg 3rd Annual USAPL Powerlifting for Pink 11/07/2015
Deadlift 235 kg 3rd Annual USAPL Powerlifting for Pink 11/07/2015
Total 585 kg 3rd Annual USAPL Powerlifting for Pink 11/07/2015

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/07/2015 3rd Annual USAPL Powerlifting for Pink 4. R-O -93 90.40 195 210 217.5 125 132.5 -140 235 -262.5 -275 585 372.65

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 275 kg 2012 Battle on the Border VI 01/01/2012
Bench press 172.5 kg 2012 Battle on the Border VI 01/01/2012
Deadlift 305 kg 2012 Battle on the Border VI 01/01/2012
Total 752.5 kg 2012 Battle on the Border VI 01/01/2012

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/10/2019 2019 Open Nationals 4. O -93 89.84 225 237.5 250 142.5 150 157.5 225 255 265 672.5 536.98
11/10/2018 Savage Open 1. O -93 87.70 230 240 -250 137.5 145 150 230 255 -272.5 645 417.38 X
05/18/2018 2018 Open Nationals 8. O -93 87.90 230 237.5 245 140 150 157.5 225 -235 235 637.5 412.02
11/11/2017 Savage Open 1. O -93 89.10 227.5 240 247.5 137.5 147.5 155 212.5 242.5 -245 645 413.90
02/21/2015 2015 Alabama State Powerlifting Championship 1. O -93 88.90 257.5 165 282.5 705 452.89
01/25/2014 USAPL GA Winter Classic & Single Ply Invitational 1. O -90 85.20 267.5 160 295 722.5 475.04
01/01/2012 NC SC Border War - O -100 99.80 274.9 172.4 304.8 752.1 458.10
01/01/2012 2012 Battle on the Border VI - O -100 99.80 275 172.5 305 752.5 458.35