Lifting Database

Lifter - Joshua Fisher

Birth year: 1996
State: Texas

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 187.5 kg 2016 USA Powerlifting Aggie Showdown 02/20/2016
Bench press 125 kg 2016 USA Powerlifting Aggie Showdown 02/20/2016
Deadlift 240 kg Meet Me at the Bar 05/25/2019
Total 537.5 kg 2016 USA Powerlifting Aggie Showdown 02/20/2016

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/25/2019 Meet Me at the Bar 1. R-JR -83 81.50 230 240 -242.5 240 580.65
02/20/2016 2016 USA Powerlifting Aggie Showdown 4. R-C -83 81.00 165 182.5 187.5 115 125 -130 200 212.5 225 537.5 364.10
03/21/2015 1st Annual ABBRx Natural and Fit USAPL Raw Powerlifting Meet 4. R-JR -93 89.00 165 117.5 210 492.5 316.23