Lifting Database

Lifter - Andrea Whaley

Birth year: 1991
State: Ohio

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 97.5 kg USA Powerlifting No Frills Blizzard Buster 01/30/2016
Bench press 45 kg USA Powerlifting No Frills Blizzard Buster 01/30/2016
Deadlift 130 kg USA Powerlifting No Frills Blizzard Buster 01/30/2016
Total 272.5 kg USA Powerlifting No Frills Blizzard Buster 01/30/2016

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
06/03/2017 2017 Ohio State Championships 3. R-O -63 62.30 42.5 45 -47.5 120 130 -137.5 175 189.54
01/30/2016 USA Powerlifting No Frills Blizzard Buster 3. R-O -63 62.80 85 92.5 97.5 40 45 -50 110 120 130 272.5 293.35

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 87.5 kg 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 04/18/2015
Bench press 42.5 kg 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 04/18/2015
Deadlift 120 kg 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 04/18/2015
Total 250 kg 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 04/18/2015

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/18/2015 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 6. O -63 63.00 70 77.5 87.5 37.5 42.5 -45 107.5 115 120 250 268.50