Lifting Database

Lifter - Lee Ann Hilliard


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Ohio State Equipped Records Open -70 Bench Press push-pull 60 kg 07/12/2015
Ohio State Equipped Records Open -70 Bench press single lift 60 kg 07/12/2015
Ohio State Equipped Records Open -70 Deadlift push-pull 120 kg 07/12/2015
Ohio State Equipped Records Open -70 Deadlift single lift 120 kg 07/12/2015
Ohio State Equipped Records Open -70 Total push-pull 180 kg 07/12/2015

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 65 kg 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 04/18/2015
Bench press 60 kg 2015 USAPL Ohio State Championships 07/12/2015
Deadlift 120 kg 2015 USAPL Ohio State Championships 07/12/2015
Total 240 kg 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 04/18/2015

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
07/12/2015 2015 USAPL Ohio State Championships 1. O -72 65.80 57.5 60 110 120 180 187.15
04/18/2015 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes 1. M2 -72 72.00 60 65 -70 52.5 55 57.5 107.5 112.5 117.5 240 234.24