Lifter - James Irizarry
Birth year: | 1989 |
State: | Indiana |
Results - Raw
Personal bests
Bench press | 160 kg | 3rd Annual Merry LIftmas | 12/16/2018 |
Deadlift | 252.5 kg | 3rd Annual Merry LIftmas | 12/16/2018 |
Competition | Placing | Division | Weight | Squat | Bench press | Deadlift | Total | Points | Drug tested | ||||||||
12/16/2018 | 3rd Annual Merry LIftmas | 1. | R-O | -105 | 100.50 | 142.5 | 152.5 | 160 | 227.5 | 242.5 | 252.5 | 412.5 | 250.55 |
Results - Equipped
Personal bests
Squat | 180 kg | 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes | 04/18/2015 |
Bench press | 120 kg | 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes | 04/18/2015 |
Deadlift | 215 kg | 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes | 04/18/2015 |
Total | 515 kg | 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes | 04/18/2015 |
Competition | Placing | Division | Weight | Squat | Bench press | Deadlift | Total | Points | Drug tested | ||||||||
04/18/2015 | 18th Annual Battle of the Great Lakes | 17. | O | -93 | 93.00 | 160 | 170 | 180 | 110 | 120 | -130 | 195 | 215 | -230 | 515 | 323.52 |