Lifting Database

Lifter - Mitchell Guidry

Birth year: 1994
State: Louisiana

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 158.8 kg Battle of Legends 05/23/2015
Bench press 97.5 kg Battle of Legends 05/23/2015
Deadlift 205.7 kg Battle of Legends 05/23/2015
Total 462 kg Battle of Legends 05/23/2015

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/23/2015 Battle of Legends 2. R-O -83 80.10 147.4 158.8 -163.3 97.5 -106.6 -106.6 205.7 205.7 -205.7 462 315.14