Lifting Database

Lifter - Jordan Sprague

Birth year: 1993
State: Michigan

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Bench press 152.5 kg 2015 Michigan Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships 11/14/2015
Deadlift 287.5 kg 7th Annual Ironman (Push/Pull) Meet 05/30/2015
Squat 257.5 kg 2018 Spring Barbellum 04/29/2018
Total 695 kg 2018 Spring Barbellum 04/29/2018

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/29/2018 2018 Spring Barbellum 3. R-O -120 108.00 235 242.5 257.5 132.5 142.5 152.5 285 -300 -300 695 411.37
11/05/2016 Michigan Powerlifting & BP State Championships - R-O -120 115.80 217.5 235 245 -140 145 152.5 -305 -305 -305 0 0.00
11/05/2016 Michigan Powerlifting & BP State Championships - R-JR -120 115.80 217.5 235 245 -140 145 152.5 -305 -305 -305 0 0.00
11/14/2015 2015 Michigan Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships 1. R-JR -120 116.66 200 227.5 240 130 145 152.5 265 280 -300 672.5 389.31
05/30/2015 7th Annual Ironman (Push/Pull) Meet 1. R-JR -120 119.70 140 -145 -145 205 275 287.5 427.5 245.94