Lifting Database

Lifter - Alan R. Smith

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 75 kg New Jersey State Championships 08/01/2015
Bench press 92.5 kg New Jersey State Championships 08/01/2015
Deadlift 97.5 kg New Jersey State Championships 08/01/2015
Total 265 kg New Jersey State Championships 08/01/2015

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotal27. Jul28. Jul29. Jul30. Jul31. Jul1. Aug2. Aug3. Aug4. Aug5. Aug6. Aug7. Aug8. Aug9. Aug758085909510050100150200250300
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
08/01/2015 New Jersey State Championships 1. R-M3A -74 73.10 92.5 -97.5 -97.5 92.5 67.12
08/01/2015 New Jersey State Championships 1. R-M3A -74 73.10 67.5 75 92.5 -97.5 -97.5 85 92.5 97.5 265 192.28