Lifting Database

Lifter - Eric Thomsen

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 237.5 kg 3rd Top of the World Powerlifting Challenge 09/26/2015
Bench press 147.5 kg 3rd Top of the World Powerlifting Challenge 09/26/2015
Deadlift 205 kg 3rd Top of the World Powerlifting Challenge 09/26/2015
Total 590 kg 3rd Top of the World Powerlifting Challenge 09/26/2015

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotal21. Sep22. Sep23. Sep24. Sep25. Sep26. Sep27. Sep28. Sep29. Sep30. Sep1. Oct2. Oct3. Oct4. Oct2001501752252502004006008001,000
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
09/26/2015 3rd Top of the World Powerlifting Challenge 2. R-O -120 116.70 207.5 215 237.5 132.5 145 147.5 190 200 205 590 341.49