Lifting Database

Lifter - Duc Tran

Birth year: 1996
State: Texas

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 215 kg TBS Houston Lift-Off 11/09/2024
Bench press 175 kg Winter Games of Texas 01/13/2024
Deadlift 272.5 kg TBS Houston Lift-Off 11/09/2024
Total 660 kg TBS Houston Lift-Off 11/09/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/09/2024 TBS Houston Lift-Off 1. R-O -75 74.00 195 215 -217.5 162.5 172.5 -185 240 260 272.5 660 477.61 X
01/13/2024 Winter Games of Texas 2. R-O -75 74.25 190 202.5 -212.5 162.5 170 175 225 242.5 257.5 635 458.52
04/19/2018 2018 Collegiate Nationals 70. R-C -74 66.17 130 137.5 145 90 95 -102.5 170 185 192.5 432.5 338.86
01/14/2018 2018 Winter Games of Texas 2. R-JR -74 73.70 162.5 175 180 -137.5 147.5 155 207.5 217.5 232.5 567.5 409.39
11/07/2015 USAPL Raw Collegiate Cup 3. R-T3 -74 67.60 145 155 -172.5 105 112.5 125 175 185 -200 465 358.10