Lifting Database

Lifter - Michael Morabito

Birth year: 1969
State: Connecticut


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Connecticut State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -140 Total push-pull 410 kg 02/27/2016
Connecticut State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -140 Squat 247.5 kg 02/27/2016
Connecticut State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -140 Bench press 170 kg 02/27/2016
Connecticut State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -140 Deadlift 240 kg 02/27/2016
Connecticut State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -140 Total 657.5 kg 02/27/2016

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 247.5 kg 2016 USA Powerlifting Naturally Hardcore Classic 02/27/2016
Bench press 170 kg 2016 USA Powerlifting Naturally Hardcore Classic 02/27/2016
Deadlift 240 kg 2016 USA Powerlifting Naturally Hardcore Classic 02/27/2016
Total 657.5 kg 2016 USA Powerlifting Naturally Hardcore Classic 02/27/2016

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotal7. Dec14. Dec21. Dec28. Dec4. Jan11. Jan18. Jan25. Jan1. Feb8. Feb15. Feb22. Feb29. Feb2001752252502752004006008001,000
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/27/2016 2016 USA Powerlifting Naturally Hardcore Classic 1. R-M1 120+ 136.20 222.5 237.5 247.5 155 162.5 170 225 240 -245 657.5 368.99
12/04/2015 14th Annual USAPL American Open Powerlifting Championships 4. R-O 120+ 131.70 217.5 232.5 240 -152.5 160 165 225 -240 630 355.51