Lifting Database

Lifter - Tom Favata

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 152.5 kg 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 11/22/2014
Bench press 205 kg 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 11/22/2014
Deadlift 272.5 kg 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 11/22/2014
Total 630 kg 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 11/22/2014

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/22/2014 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 1. R-M1A -110 105.10 205 205 122.47
11/22/2014 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 1. R-M1A -110 105.10 152.5 205 272.5 630 376.36
11/22/2014 2014 Stars and Stripes Squat- BP and DL Championships 1. R-M1A -110 105.10 272.5 272.5 162.79

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Bench press 240.4 kg 2014 USAPL Summer BP & PL Championships 08/23/2014
Deadlift 303.9 kg 2014 USAPL Summer BP & PL Championships 08/23/2014

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
08/23/2014 2014 USAPL Summer BP & PL Championships 1. M1a -100 100.00 240.4 303.9 544.3 331.26
08/23/2014 2014 USAPL Summer BP & PL Championships 1. M1a -100 100.00 240.4 303.9 544.3 331.26
08/23/2014 2014 USAPL Summer BP & PL Championships 1. M1a -100 100.00 240.4 303.9 544.3 331.26