Lifting Database

Lifter - Paige Laurent

Birth year: 1998


Type Start End Comment
Doping suspension 07/16/2016 07/17/2020 Paige Laurent 969775 Louisiana "T/E Ratio 5:1, Androstendiol/androstendio" 16-Jul-2016 4 years 17-Jul-2020

Results - Raw

Personal bests

kgkgClick and drag to zoomTotal
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
07/16/2016 Louisiana Summer Classic 1. R-T3 -52 51.80 -85 -90 -92.5 -47.5 -50 -50 -102.5 -107.5 -115 0 0.00 Failure

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 127.5 kg USA Powerlifting High School Nationals 04/01/2016
Bench press 70 kg USA Powerlifting High School Nationals 04/01/2016
Deadlift 132.5 kg USA Powerlifting High School Nationals 04/01/2016
Total 330 kg USA Powerlifting High School Nationals 04/01/2016

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotal14. Feb16. Feb18. Feb20. Feb22. Feb24. Feb26. Feb28. Feb1. Mar3. Mar5. Mar7. Mar9. Mar11. Mar13. Mar15. Mar17. Mar19. Mar21. Mar23. Mar25. Mar27. Mar29. Mar31. Mar2. Apr6080100120140100200300400500
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/01/2016 USA Powerlifting High School Nationals 3. O -52 51.60 110 -122.5 127.5 60 65 70 127.5 132.5 -135 330 413.85
02/13/2016 USA Powerlifting South Louisiana Qualifier 1. HS -57 55.10 102.1 -56.7 56.7 120.2 127 285.8 340.56