Lifting Database

Lifter - Kyle Farmer

Birth year: 1991
State: Georgia

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 247.5 kg Lifting the House 09/09/2023
Bench press 162.5 kg Lifting the House 09/09/2023
Deadlift 260 kg Scenic City Summer Showdown 07/20/2024
Total 662.5 kg Lifting the House 09/09/2023

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
07/20/2024 Scenic City Summer Showdown - R-O -110 109.20 225 235 245 145 150 155 225 245 260 660 391.98
02/23/2024 Georgia State Championship 8. R-O -110 108.35 230 240 -250 150 -160 -160 230 245 255 645 384.22
09/09/2023 Lifting the House 1. R-O -110 107.85 240 247.5 -250 152.5 160 162.5 252.5 -262.5 -262.5 662.5 395.35 X
02/20/2016 USA Powerlifting Alabama State Championships 4. R-O -93 92.90 -192.5 200 210 -147.5 -155 155 210 225 235 600 377.10