Lifting Database

Lifter - Mark Reuer

Birth year: 1975
State: South Dakota

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 157.5 kg South Dakota State Championships 03/25/2023
Bench press 110 kg 2016 South Dakota USA Powerlifting Bench Press and Powerlifting Championships 03/04/2016
Deadlift 185 kg South Dakota State Championships 03/25/2023
Total 452.5 kg South Dakota State Championships 03/25/2023

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/25/2023 South Dakota State Championships 1. R-M1B -110 108.40 135 147.5 157.5 95 105 110 160 175 185 452.5 269.50
03/04/2016 2016 South Dakota USA Powerlifting Bench Press and Powerlifting Championships 1. R-M1A -93 92.50 122.5 127.5 135 105 110 -117.5 157.5 162.5 170 415 261.37