Lifting Database

Lifter - Derrick Choe

Birth year: 1995
State: Maryland

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 200 kg Virginia Ladies of Iron and Virginia State Championships 05/04/2019
Bench press 125 kg Virginia Ladies of Iron and Virginia State Championships 05/04/2019
Deadlift 212.5 kg Virginia Ladies of Iron and Virginia State Championships 05/04/2019
Total 537.5 kg Virginia Ladies of Iron and Virginia State Championships 05/04/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/04/2019 Virginia Ladies of Iron and Virginia State Championships 5. R-JR -83 80.60 180 190 200 110 117.5 125 197.5 212.5 -227.5 537.5 536.53
04/28/2018 2018 District Open 2. R-O -83 78.90 180 190 -200 -115 -115 115 185 195 210 515 354.73
12/09/2017 2017 Equinox Open 5. R-O -83 79.40 170 182.5 190 110 117.5 120 175 190 202.5 512.5 351.58
12/09/2017 2017 Equinox Open 2. R-JR -83 79.40 170 182.5 190 110 117.5 120 175 190 202.5 512.5 351.58
04/29/2017 2017 California State Championship 7. R-JR -83 79.10 165 177.5 -190 92.5 100 105 170 182.5 192.5 475 326.61
02/19/2017 2017 Brand X Method Teen Junior Championship 5. R-JR -83 79.60 160 172.5 185 92.5 97.5 102.5 -170 170 185 472.5 323.62
03/19/2016 2016 USA Powerlifting Brand X Method youth/teen/junior Showdown 1. R-JR -74 72.30 120 132.5 145 80 85 90 135 150 162.5 397.5 290.77