Lifting Database

Lifter - Todd Craig

Birth year: 1970
State: South Dakota


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
South Dakota State Equipped Records Open -90 Squat 242.5 kg 03/25/2017
South Dakota State Equipped Records Open -90 Deadlift 255 kg 03/25/2017
South Dakota State Equipped Records Open -90 Deadlift single lift 255 kg 03/25/2017
South Dakota State Equipped Records Open -90 Total 637.5 kg 03/25/2017
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1a -82.5 Squat 240 kg 03/04/2016
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1a -82.5 Bench press 130 kg 05/04/2024
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1a -82.5 Deadlift 262.5 kg 03/04/2016
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1a -82.5 Deadlift single lift 262.5 kg 03/04/2016
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1a -82.5 Total 642.5 kg 03/04/2016
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1a -82.5 Total push-pull 402.5 kg 03/04/2016
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1a -90 Squat 242.5 kg 03/25/2017
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1a -90 Bench press 142.5 kg 03/13/2015
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1a -90 Deadlift 255 kg 03/25/2017
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1a -90 Deadlift single lift 255 kg 03/25/2017
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1a -90 Total 637.5 kg 03/25/2017
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1a -90 Total push-pull 395 kg 03/25/2017
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1b -82.5 Squat 240 kg 03/04/2016
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1b -82.5 Bench press 130 kg 05/04/2024
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1b -82.5 Deadlift 262.5 kg 03/04/2016
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1b -82.5 Deadlift single lift 262.5 kg 03/04/2016
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1b -82.5 Total 642.5 kg 03/04/2016
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1b -82.5 Total push-pull 402.5 kg 03/04/2016
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1b -90 Squat 242.5 kg 03/25/2017
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1b -90 Bench press 142.5 kg 03/13/2015
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1b -90 Deadlift 255 kg 03/25/2017
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1b -90 Deadlift single lift 255 kg 03/25/2017
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1b -90 Total 637.5 kg 03/25/2017
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 1b -90 Total push-pull 395 kg 03/25/2017
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 2a -82.5 Squat 235 kg 11/21/2020
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 2a -82.5 Bench press 130 kg 05/04/2024
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 2a -82.5 Deadlift 237.5 kg 09/18/2021
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 2a -82.5 Deadlift single lift 237.5 kg 09/18/2021
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 2a -82.5 Total 595 kg 05/04/2024
South Dakota State Equipped Records Master 2a -82.5 Total push-pull 365 kg 05/04/2024

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 242.5 kg 2017 South Dakota State Championships 03/25/2017
Bench press 142.5 kg 2015 SD State Meet PL 03/13/2015
Deadlift 262.5 kg 2016 South Dakota USA Powerlifting Bench Press and Powerlifting Championships 03/04/2016
Total 642.5 kg 2016 South Dakota USA Powerlifting Bench Press and Powerlifting Championships 03/04/2016

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/04/2024 South Dakota State Championships 1. M2 -82.5 80.50 -220 220 230 120 125 130 220 230 235 595 408.78
03/25/2023 South Dakota State Championships 1. M2a -82.5 80.40 220 227.5 235 117.5 120 125 220 230 -235 590 405.64
04/02/2022 South Dakota State Championships 1. M2 -82.5 81.35 220 227.5 -235 115 120 122.5 220 227.5 235 585 399.47
09/18/2021 South Dakota State Championships 1. M -83 78.90 220 227.5 -237.5 115 -120 225 237.5 -242.5 580 69.04
11/21/2020 Sioux Empire Open 1. O -83 80.70 225 235 -242.5 120 122.5 127.5 225 -235 -235 587.5 68.98
11/21/2020 Sioux Empire Open 1. M2a -83 80.70 225 235 -242.5 120 122.5 127.5 225 -235 -235 587.5 68.98
08/31/2019 2019 Bench Nationals 2. M1 -83 80.80 130 -135 -135 130 460.43
03/16/2019 South Dakota State Championships 1. O -83 81.20 225 237.5 -242.5 125 130 135 235 247.5 255 627.5 534.84
03/16/2019 South Dakota State Championships 1. M1b -83 81.20 225 237.5 -242.5 125 130 135 235 247.5 255 627.5 534.84
03/17/2018 South Dakota State Powerlifting Championships 1. O -83 82.80 220 230 240 120 125 235 245 610 407.79
03/17/2018 South Dakota State Powerlifting Championships 1. M -83 82.80 220 230 240 120 125 235 245 610 407.79
12/16/2017 2017 South Dakota 1. M1 -83 81.40 132.5 -137.5 -137.5 235 245 252.5 385 260.03
03/25/2017 2017 South Dakota State Championships 1. M -93 85.10 225 237.5 242.5 135 140 -142.5 240 255 -262.5 637.5 419.41
03/25/2017 2017 South Dakota State Championships 1. O -93 85.10 225 237.5 242.5 135 140 -142.5 240 255 -262.5 637.5 419.41
12/10/2016 2016 Sioux Empire Push-Pull Open 1. M -83 81.90 110 -115 115 235 245 252.5 367.5 247.29
03/04/2016 2016 South Dakota USA Powerlifting Bench Press and Powerlifting Championships 1. M1b -83 81.70 225 232.5 240 135 140 -142.5 237.5 257.5 262.5 642.5 432.98
03/04/2016 2016 South Dakota USA Powerlifting Bench Press and Powerlifting Championships 1. O -83 81.70 225 232.5 240 135 140 -142.5 237.5 257.5 262.5 642.5 432.98
12/05/2015 USA Powerlifting Sioux Empire Push Pull 1. O -83 82.50 132.5 137.5 142.5 235 245 -252.5 387.5 259.59
12/05/2015 USA Powerlifting Sioux Empire Push Pull 1. M1b -83 82.50 132.5 137.5 142.5 235 245 -252.5 387.5 259.59
03/13/2015 2015 SD State Meet PL 1. M1a -83 82.70 215 142.5 237.5 595 398.00
03/14/2014 2014 South Dakota State Bench Press & Powerlifting Championships 1. M1b -82.5 82.50 230 139.9 259.9 629.8 421.90
03/14/2014 2014 South Dakota State Bench Press & Powerlifting Championships 1. O -82.5 82.50 230 139.9 259.9 629.8 421.90
05/04/2012 2012 Master Nationals - M1a -82.5 81.80 232.5 137.5 237.5 607.5 409.09