Lifting Database

Lifter - David Williams

Birth year: 1989
State: New York

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 205 kg Liberty Games 07/09/2016
Bench press 145 kg Buffalo Battle at the Border 04/15/2017
Deadlift 240 kg Buffalo Battle at the Border 04/15/2017
Total 585 kg Buffalo Battle at the Border 04/15/2017

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
07/07/2018 Liberty Games - R-O -93 91.40 190 -200 205 -140 -140 -140 0 0.00
05/12/2018 Rochester Rumble 4. R-O -93 90.60 -185 185 197.5 135 142.5 -150 225 240 -255 580 369.05
04/15/2017 Buffalo Battle at the Border 3. R-O -93 92.00 185 200 -202.5 135 -145 145 225 240 -242.5 585 369.43
07/09/2016 Liberty Games 4. R-O -93 91.60 185 -197.5 205 135 -142.5 -142.5 225 -247.5 -247.5 565 357.53