Lifting Database

Lifter - Jodi Funk

Birth year: 1973
State: Minnesota


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Women's Equipped American Records Master 1b -60 Total 402.5 kg 10/07/2019
Minnesota State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -60 Squat 125 kg 07/13/2019
Minnesota State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -60 Bench press 67.5 kg 02/16/2019
Minnesota State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -60 Bench press single lift 70 kg 01/19/2019
Minnesota State Equipped Records Open -56 Squat 142.5 kg 05/18/2018
Minnesota State Equipped Records Open -56 Deadlift single lift 147.5 kg 05/18/2018
Minnesota State Equipped Records Open -60 Total 402.5 kg 10/07/2019
Minnesota State Equipped Records Master 1a -56 Squat 142.5 kg 05/18/2018
Minnesota State Equipped Records Master 1a -56 Deadlift single lift 147.5 kg 05/18/2018
Minnesota State Equipped Records Master 1a -60 Bench press 102.5 kg 10/07/2019
Minnesota State Equipped Records Master 1a -60 Deadlift 157.5 kg 05/10/2019
Minnesota State Equipped Records Master 1a -60 Total 402.5 kg 10/07/2019
Minnesota State Equipped Records Master 1b -56 Squat 142.5 kg 05/18/2018
Minnesota State Equipped Records Master 1b -56 Deadlift single lift 147.5 kg 05/18/2018
Minnesota State Equipped Records Master 1b -60 Bench press 102.5 kg 10/07/2019
Minnesota State Equipped Records Master 1b -60 Bench press single lift 102.5 kg 01/19/2019
Minnesota State Equipped Records Master 1b -60 Deadlift 157.5 kg 05/10/2019
Minnesota State Equipped Records Master 1b -60 Total 402.5 kg 10/07/2019
Minnesota State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Open -65 Squat 110 kg 02/27/2021
Minnesota State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Open -65 Bench press 65 kg 02/27/2021
Minnesota State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Open -65 Deadlift 120 kg 02/27/2021
Minnesota State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Open -65 Total 295 kg 02/27/2021
Minnesota State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Master 1a -65 Squat 110 kg 02/27/2021
Minnesota State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Master 1a -65 Bench press 65 kg 02/27/2021
Minnesota State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Master 1a -65 Deadlift 120 kg 02/27/2021
Minnesota State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Master 1a -65 Total 295 kg 02/27/2021
Minnesota State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Master 1b -65 Squat 110 kg 02/27/2021
Minnesota State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Master 1b -65 Bench press 65 kg 02/27/2021
Minnesota State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Master 1b -65 Deadlift 120 kg 02/27/2021
Minnesota State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Master 1b -65 Total 295 kg 02/27/2021

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 125 kg Central Regionals 07/13/2019
Bench press 97.5 kg 2019 Bench Nationals 08/31/2019
Deadlift 142.5 kg Central Regionals 07/13/2019
Total 340 kg Central Regionals 07/13/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/12/2022 Minnesota Junior, Open and Master State Championships - R-M1 -60 59.45 105 110 115 60 65 -70 120 130 -137.5 310 345.66
02/12/2022 Minnesota Junior, Open and Master State Championships - R-O -60 59.45 105 110 115 60 65 -70 120 130 -137.5 310 345.66
08/31/2019 2019 Bench Nationals 7. R-O -57 56.00 62.5 67.5 -72.5 67.5 580.38
08/31/2019 2019 Bench Nationals 5. R-M1 -57 56.00 62.5 67.5 -72.5 67.5 580.38
07/13/2019 Central Regionals 1. R-M1 -63 59.50 105 117.5 125 65 70 72.5 127.5 137.5 142.5 340 604.54
07/13/2019 Central Regionals 1. R-O -63 59.50 105 117.5 125 65 70 72.5 127.5 137.5 142.5 340 604.54
05/18/2019 IPF Classic World Bench Press Championships - Tokyo Japan 2. R-M1 -57 56.16 62.5 67.5 -70 67.5 579.71
02/16/2019 MN Women's State Championship 1. R-M1B -57 56.40 95 110 120 62.5 67.5 -70 127.5 132.5 137.5 325 592.37
02/16/2019 MN Women's State Championship 2. R-O -57 56.40 95 110 120 62.5 67.5 -70 127.5 132.5 137.5 325 592.37
01/19/2019 Minnesota State Bench Press Championships 2. R-O -57 56.85 60 65 70 70 595.86
01/19/2019 Minnesota State Bench Press Championships 1. R-M1B -57 56.85 60 65 70 70 595.86
12/01/2018 Solcana Deadlift Meet 1. R-M1B -57 56.60 117.5 127.5 137.5 137.5 160.44
10/25/2018 13th NAPF North American Regional Bench Press Championships 1. R-M1 -57 56.00 60 65 68 68 80.01
09/15/2018 Bench Press Nationals 7. R-O -57 56.00 60 65 67.5 67.5 79.42
09/15/2018 Bench Press Nationals 2. R-M1 -57 56.00 60 65 67.5 67.5 79.42
01/20/2018 MN Womens State Championship 1. R-M1B -57 55.60 87.5 102.5 105 60 62.5 65 115 125 -137.5 295 349.04
12/09/2017 Pounds for Paws 1. R-M1A -57 55.60 82.5 92.5 97.5 57.5 65 67.5 105 115 125 290 343.13
09/09/2017 2017 Benchpress Nationals 2. R-M1 -57 54.90 57.5 60 -62.5 60 71.70
09/09/2017 2017 Benchpress Nationals 3. R-O -57 54.90 57.5 60 -62.5 60 71.70
09/02/2017 2017 Central Region Championship 1. R-M1A -57 55.65 85 97.5 100 57.5 60 -65 112.5 125 -132.5 285 336.98 X
07/15/2017 Women of Steel Summer Showdown 1. R-M1A -57 54.50 -85 85 -100 55 62.5 -65 112.5 122.5 130 277.5 333.53
02/18/2017 2017 Minnesota Women's State Championship 2. R-M1A -57 53.70 82.5 92.5 97.5 52.5 57.5 60 107.5 122.5 -127.5 280 340.45
12/10/2016 Next Level Fitness Lift4Life Raw Open 1. R-M -57 53.10 85 92.5 -100 55 57.5 -60 115 122.5 127.5 277.5 340.38
12/10/2016 Next Level Fitness Lift4Life Raw Open 1. R-O -57 53.10 85 92.5 -100 55 57.5 -60 115 122.5 127.5 277.5 340.38
07/16/2016 Women of Steel Summer Showdown 1. R-M1A -57 52.60 85 92.5 -100 -57.5 57.5 -60 110 117.5 122.5 272.5 336.70

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 142.5 kg 2018 Open Nationals 05/18/2018
Bench press 102.5 kg Minnesota State Bench Press Championships 01/19/2019
Deadlift 157.5 kg 2019 Open Nationals 05/10/2019
Total 402.5 kg World Masters Equipped Championships Potchefstroom South Africa 10/07/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
06/08/2022 Bench Nationals 1. M1 -60 59.30 85 -90 -95 85 94.93
06/08/2022 Bench Nationals 2. O -60 59.30 85 -90 -95 85 94.93
02/27/2021 Texas Strength Classic 1. RW-O -63 61.70 100 110 -120 55 60 65 110 120 -125 295 53.90
02/29/2020 Minnesota State Bench Press Championship 1. M1 -63 60.00 92.5 100 -105 100 584.21
02/29/2020 Minnesota State Bench Press Championship - O -63 60.00 92.5 100 -105 100 584.21
10/07/2019 World Masters Equipped Championships Potchefstroom South Africa 1. M1 -57 56.10 132.5 142.5 -152.5 90 97.5 102.5 140 150 157.5 402.5 576.02
08/31/2019 2019 Bench Nationals 3. O -57 56.10 90 97.5 -115 97.5 592.36
08/31/2019 2019 Bench Nationals 2. M1 -57 56.10 90 97.5 -115 97.5 592.36
05/18/2019 IPF Equipped World Bench Press Championships - Tokyo Japan 1. M1 -57 55.82 92.5 95 100 100 603.41
05/10/2019 2019 Open Nationals 1. M1 -57 56.37 135 142.5 -152.5 90 -100 100 137.5 155 157.5 400 571.89
05/10/2019 2019 Open Nationals 5. O -57 56.37 135 142.5 -152.5 90 -100 100 137.5 155 157.5 400 571.89
01/19/2019 Minnesota State Bench Press Championships - O -57 56.85 85 92.5 102.5 102.5 607.85
01/19/2019 Minnesota State Bench Press Championships 1. M1b -57 56.85 85 92.5 102.5 102.5 607.85
10/25/2018 13th NAPF North American Regional Bench Press Championships 1. M1 -57 55.90 82.5 -87.5 -90.5 82.5 97.21
10/25/2018 13th NAPF North American Regional Bench Press Championships 1. O -57 55.90 82.5 -87.5 -90.5 82.5 97.21
10/02/2018 IPF World Masters Chamionships - M1 -57 55.86 120 120 140 85 -92.5 -92.5 130 142.5 152.5 377.5 445.03
09/15/2018 Bench Press Nationals 3. O -57 56.20 57.5 82.5 -100 82.5 96.80
09/15/2018 Bench Press Nationals 1. M1 -57 56.20 57.5 82.5 -100 82.5 96.80
05/18/2018 2018 Open Nationals 4. O -57 56.00 120 137.5 142.5 82.5 87.5 92.5 122.5 137.5 147.5 382.5 450.05
05/18/2018 2018 Open Nationals 1. M1 -57 56.00 120 137.5 142.5 82.5 87.5 92.5 122.5 137.5 147.5 382.5 450.05
04/21/2018 2018 American Strength Masters Brawl 1. M1b -57 55.85 112.5 130 140 82.5 87.5 90 127.5 142.5 145 375 442.16