Lifting Database

Lifter - Steven Lachina

Birth year: 1990
State: New York

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 200 kg Buffalo Battle at the Border 04/15/2017
Bench press 127.5 kg 2018 Mustache Mayhem 02/17/2018
Deadlift 242.5 kg 2nd Annual Eat Rite Sports Expo 07/20/2019
Total 560 kg 2nd Annual Eat Rite Sports Expo 07/20/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
07/20/2019 2nd Annual Eat Rite Sports Expo 1. R-O -74 73.80 175 185 195 117.5 122.5 -127.5 215 227.5 242.5 560 599.59
07/28/2018 Buffalo Sports Expo 1. R-O -74 73.40 185 192.5 -200 120 122.5 -127.5 217.5 230 240 555 401.54 X
02/17/2018 2018 Mustache Mayhem 1. R-O -74 73.60 117.5 125 127.5 127.5 92.07
10/10/2017 2017 Raw National Championships 37. R-O -74 73.07 -187.5 192.5 -202.5 112.5 117.5 -122.5 225 235 -240 545 395.62
04/15/2017 Buffalo Battle at the Border 1. R-O -74 73.40 180 190 200 107.5 115 120 210 220 -232.5 540 390.69 X
09/17/2016 Buffalo Fall Powerfest 1. R-O -74 73.00 170 180 -185 110 115 -120 202.5 217.5 -227.5 512.5 372.28