Lifting Database

Lifter - Zachary Mendoza

Birth year: 1995

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 207.5 kg 2017 Spring Natural and Fit BarBellum 04/29/2017
Bench press 122.5 kg 2017 Michigan Iron Monger 10/21/2017
Deadlift 260 kg 2017 Spring Natural and Fit BarBellum 04/29/2017
Total 587.5 kg 2017 Spring Natural and Fit BarBellum 04/29/2017

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotalDec '16Jan '17Feb '17Mar '17Apr '17May '17Jun '17Jul '17Aug '17Sep '17Oct '17150200250300200400600800
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
10/21/2017 2017 Michigan Iron Monger 1. R-JR -93 88.10 117.5 122.5 -135 230 247.5 -262.5 370 238.84
10/21/2017 2017 Michigan Iron Monger 1. R-O -93 88.10 117.5 122.5 -135 230 247.5 -262.5 370 238.84
04/29/2017 2017 Spring Natural and Fit BarBellum 2. R-JR -93 86.10 185 197.5 207.5 120 -127.5 -127.5 230 245 260 587.5 383.99
04/29/2017 2017 Spring Natural and Fit BarBellum 6. R-O -93 86.10 185 197.5 207.5 120 -127.5 -127.5 230 245 260 587.5 383.99
11/05/2016 Michigan Powerlifting & BP State Championships - R-JR -93 87.80 185 195 200 -125 -125 -125 0 0.00
11/05/2016 Michigan Powerlifting & BP State Championships - R-O -93 87.80 185 195 200 -125 -125 -125 0 0.00