Lifting Database

Lifter - Tina Zheng

Birth year: 1997
State: New York


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 160 kg Squats & Science Spring Fling 05/18/2024
Bench press 82.5 kg Squats & Science Spring Fling 05/18/2024
Deadlift 165 kg Squats & Science Spring Fling 05/18/2024
Total 407.5 kg Squats & Science Spring Fling 05/18/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/18/2024 Squats & Science Spring Fling 1. R-O -82.5 81.75 145 152.5 160 70 75 82.5 145 155 165 407.5 379.89 X
02/11/2024 Boston Open 2. R-O -82.5 82.50 125 135 145 62.5 67.5 72.5 127.5 137.5 147.5 365 338.77
11/09/2019 Raw Collegiate Cup 1. R-C -72 71.30 135 142.5 147.5 70 75 80 140 147.5 155 382.5 626.57
08/18/2018 Northeast Regionals 7. R-O -72 70.62 117.5 125 130 67.5 72.5 75 127.5 135 -145 340 336.19
08/18/2018 Northeast Regionals 2. R-JR -72 70.62 117.5 125 130 67.5 72.5 75 127.5 135 -145 340 336.19
12/02/2017 2017 New England Open 1. R-JR -72 70.60 127.5 137.5 -140 67.5 72.5 75 125 140 -155 352.5 348.62
08/19/2017 2017 Northeast Regional Championships 6. R-O -72 71.20 112.5 117.5 122.5 60 65 -70 115 127.5 137.5 325 319.61
08/19/2017 2017 Northeast Regional Championships 3. R-T3 -72 71.20 112.5 117.5 122.5 60 65 -70 115 127.5 137.5 325 319.61
12/03/2016 2016 New England Open 2. R-T -72 70.20 97.5 -105 105 47.5 52.5 55 102.5 110 120 280 278.01
12/03/2016 2016 New England Open 7. R-O -72 70.20 97.5 -105 105 47.5 52.5 55 102.5 110 120 280 278.01

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 195 kg Odyssey Barbell Winter Open 02/01/2020
Bench press 105 kg 2019 Winter Classic and Northeast Collegiate Regional 02/16/2019
Deadlift 185 kg Odyssey Barbell Winter Open 02/01/2020
Total 485 kg Odyssey Barbell Winter Open 02/01/2020

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/01/2020 Odyssey Barbell Winter Open 3. JR -72 71.95 190 -195 195 97.5 100 105 167.5 177.5 185 485 606.27 X
04/07/2019 New England Spring Classic 1. O -72 70.90 187.5 192.5 -200 95 -102.5 102.5 152.5 162.5 170 465 589.01
02/16/2019 2019 Winter Classic and Northeast Collegiate Regional 1. O -72 70.96 -182.5 182.5 -192.5 95 100 105 142.5 150 157.5 445 568.09
04/19/2018 2018 Collegiate Nationals - C -72 69.78 -185 -185 -185 92.5 -100 100 150 160 -167.5 0 0.00
02/17/2018 Northeast Collegiate Championships 1. C -72 71.60 180 -190 -190 90 95 102.5 150 160 -170 442.5 433.52 X
04/07/2017 2017 Collegiate National Championship 13. C -72 69.50 160 172.5 182.5 80 85 90 132.5 147.5 160 432.5 432.41 X
02/25/2017 5th Annual Winter Classic 1. O -72 70.90 150 162.5 -175 75 80 85 135 150 155 402.5 396.95