Lifting Database

Lifter - Raymond Cruz

Birth year: 1984
State: Washington


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 260 kg Liftoberfest 10/26/2019
Bench press 157.5 kg Washington State Championship 02/17/2018
Deadlift 305 kg Liftoberfest 10/26/2019
Total 717.5 kg Liftoberfest 10/26/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
10/26/2019 Liftoberfest 1. R-O -83 81.80 235 250 260 145 152.5 -160 277.5 295 305 717.5 737.14
03/03/2019 Arnold - Battle of the Regions 1. R-O -83 82.78 240 250 -257.5 150 155 -160 282.5 292.5 -300 697.5 708.47
10/11/2018 2018 Raw Nationals 16. R-O -83 82.80 232.5 242.5 -250 150 155 -157.5 275 290 -295 687.5 459.59
07/28/2018 Northwest Regionals 1. R-O -83 82.10 227.5 237.5 -242.5 150 155 -160 262.5 272.5 285 677.5 455.21
02/17/2018 Washington State Championship 1. R-O -83 82.10 225 235 240 145 150 157.5 260 272.5 280 677.5 455.21
08/05/2017 Northwest Regional Championship 1. R-O -83 81.70 222.5 230 -235 140 145 150 240 250 -257.5 630 424.56
03/18/2017 2017 Washington State Championships 1. R-O -83 81.60 215 230 -237.5 135 140 147.5 235 250 255 632.5 426.56
01/21/2017 2017 "Rookie" Competition 1. R-O -83 80.70 210 225 232.5 130 140 145 225 235 245 622.5 422.68