Lifting Database

Lifter - Michael Twombly

Birth year: 1981
State: New York

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 212.5 kg Squats and Science Championship 05/01/2021
Bench press 142.5 kg Squats and Science Championship 05/01/2021
Deadlift 222.5 kg Murder of Crows December Open 12/02/2018
Total 575 kg Squats and Science Championship 05/01/2021

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/01/2021 Squats and Science Championship 5. R-O -105 103.50 200 212.5 -220 125 135 142.5 195 210 220 575 71.47
12/02/2018 Murder of Crows December Open 1. R-O -105 101.40 195 202.5 -207.5 120 127.5 -130 200 212.5 222.5 552.5 334.43
03/10/2018 2018 Squats & Science Championship 7. R-O -105 101.80 165 172.5 180 115 120 -125 200 210 -220 510 308.24
03/25/2017 Squats & Science Powerlifting Championship 3. R-O -105 98.10 172.5 182.5 190 105 112.5 -117.5 200 210 220 522.5 320.50