Lifting Database

Lifter - Brandon Schwan

Birth year: 1993
State: New York

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 230 kg Buffalo Battle at the Border 04/15/2017
Bench press 172.5 kg 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem 02/16/2019
Deadlift 280 kg 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem 02/16/2019
Total 675 kg Buffalo Battle at the Border 04/15/2017

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/16/2019 2nd Annual Mustache Mayhem 3. R-O -105 102.60 217.5 -230 220 172.5 -180 -180 262.5 275 280 672.5 592.22
04/15/2017 Buffalo Battle at the Border 1. R-O -105 97.70 207.5 217.5 230 167.5 -175 -175 242.5 260 277.5 675 414.72