Lifting Database

Lifter - Christopher Charitos

Birth year: 2000
State: New York

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 197.5 kg SMG Summer Slam 06/01/2024
Bench press 142.5 kg Sincere Training Systems Classic III 11/23/2024
Deadlift 222.5 kg Sincere Training Systems Classic III 11/23/2024
Total 552.5 kg Sincere Training Systems Classic III 11/23/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/23/2024 Sincere Training Systems Classic III 4. R-O -82.5 81.20 175 187.5 -195 130 137.5 142.5 200 212.5 222.5 552.5 377.68
06/01/2024 SMG Summer Slam 2. R-O -82.5 82.20 177.5 190 197.5 130 137.5 140 200 212.5 -227.5 550 373.34
06/17/2023 Sport of Iron III 5. R-JR -90 85.95 172.5 185 195 127.5 135 140 190 202.5 210 545 360.93
11/20/2022 Sincere Training Systems Classic 2. R-JR -82.5 76.45 162.5 175 180 127.5 132.5 137.5 195 210 -220 527.5 373.89 X
07/24/2021 Sport of Iron II 2. R-JR -83 81.15 167.5 180 185 130 135 -140 195 207.5 -215 527.5 73.86
10/16/2019 2019 Raw Nationals 13. R-T3 -74 73.38 -162.5 -162.5 162.5 112.5 122.5 -127.5 -192.5 192.5 205 490 516.26
06/15/2019 New York State Championships 8. R-O -74 73.45 165 -170 170 107.5 115 117.5 195 200 -205 487.5 512.82
04/27/2019 SBWC Spring Classic 3. R-JR -83 74.20 165 175 -180 107.5 -115 115 195 -197.5 197.5 487.5 508.89
11/10/2018 Salute to Service II 2. R-T -74 72.45 147.5 157.5 165 97.5 107.5 -110 175 185 195 467.5 341.46
11/10/2018 Salute to Service II 1. R-O -74 72.45 147.5 157.5 165 97.5 107.5 -110 175 185 195 467.5 341.46
03/10/2018 2018 Squats & Science Championship 4. R-O -66 65.90 142.5 152.5 157.5 77.5 87.5 92.5 160 175 187.5 437.5 343.96
03/10/2018 2018 Squats & Science Championship 1. R-T3 -66 65.90 142.5 152.5 157.5 77.5 87.5 92.5 160 175 187.5 437.5 343.96
11/11/2017 Salute to Service 2. R-O -66 65.40 140 155 -165 67.5 80 82.5 167.5 -182.5 -182.5 405 320.40
11/11/2017 Salute to Service 1. R-T2 -66 65.40 140 155 -165 67.5 80 82.5 167.5 -182.5 -182.5 405 320.40
05/13/2017 Westchester County Championships II 2. R-T2 -66 64.60 -130 130 -140 70 -72.5 -72.5 157.5 167.5 172.5 372.5 297.74