Lifting Database

Lifter - Erik Balogh

Birth year: 1971
State: New York


Type Division Discipline Weight Date


Type Start End Comment
Doping suspension 11/09/2019 11/19/2023 • Androstendiol, androstendione, or testosterone • T/E ratio of 18:1

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Bench press 185 kg Westchester County Championships II 05/13/2017

kgkgClick and drag to zoomBench pressTotal8. May9. May10. May11. May12. May13. May14. May15. May16. May17. May18. May19. May20. May21. May1850
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/09/2019 Salute to Service III - R-M1 -120 115.70 -185 -192.5 -200 0 0.00 X Failure
11/09/2019 Salute to Service III - R-O -120 115.70 -185 -192.5 -200 0 0.00 X Failure
05/13/2017 Westchester County Championships II 1. R-M1 -120 116.00 170 -185 185 185 107.24
05/13/2017 Westchester County Championships II - R-O -120 116.00 170 -185 185 185 107.24