Lifting Database

Lifter - Kevin Hayes

Birth year: 1996
State: New Jersey


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
New Jersey State Raw Records Raw Open -110 Bench press 220 kg 09/05/2024
New Jersey State Raw Records Raw Open -110 Bench press single lift 220 kg 09/05/2024

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 292.5 kg Raw Nationals 09/05/2024
Bench press 220 kg Raw Nationals 09/05/2024
Deadlift 305 kg Raw Nationals 09/05/2024
Total 817.5 kg Raw Nationals 09/05/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
09/05/2024 Raw Nationals 9. R-O -110 109.75 265 282.5 292.5 197.5 210 220 272.5 290 305 817.5 484.59
02/17/2024 Raging Romantics 1. R-O -110 109.10 257.5 275 285 197.5 210 217.5 257.5 275 292.5 795 472.32
03/18/2023 DCF End Game 5. R-O -110 109.35 252.5 270 -277.5 197.5 210 -220 257.5 277.5 292.5 772.5 458.55
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals 22. R-O -110 109.72 255 272.5 -285 190 200 -207.5 260 275 280 752.5 446.11
02/12/2022 Raging Romantics 3. R-O -110 108.20 245 265 280 190 202.5 210 250 270 287.5 777.5 463.39
07/09/2021 New Jersey State Championship 1. R-O -105 103.90 265 270 275 182.5 192.5 202.5 270 -282.5 282.5 760 94.29
12/05/2020 Maryland State Benchpress 1. R-O -105 99.80 192.5 200 -202.5 200 91.71
03/07/2020 Arnold A7 Pro Raw Challenge 5. R-O -105 98.34 250 265 272.5 177.5 187.5 -192.5 250 262.5 272.5 732.5 669.73
10/16/2019 2019 Raw Nationals 10. R-JR -105 96.65 247.5 262.5 270 167.5 182.5 190 252.5 270 -275 730 674.36
03/16/2019 Pennsylvania State Championships 1. R-O -105 95.80 220 237.5 250 162.5 172.5 182.5 240 257.5 270 702.5 649.35 X
06/02/2018 Life Liberty & The Pursuit Of Three White Lights 1. R-JR -93 91.50 210 222.5 -235 157.5 165 170 247.5 -257.5 -257.5 640 405.18
02/24/2018 Give Me Liberty or Give Me No Lift 1. R-JR -93 91.20 207.5 220 232.5 162.5 -175 -175 250 260 265 660 418.57 X
05/27/2017 2017 Philadelphia Freedom Championship 2. R-JR -93 92.60 185 202.5 210 137.5 155 162.5 215 230 -242.5 602.5 379.27