Lifting Database

Lifter - Royce Saunders

Birth year: 1952
State: California


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
California State Raw Records Raw Master 4a -125 Squat 122.5 kg 10/07/2023
California State Raw Records Raw Master 4a -125 Bench press 115 kg 10/07/2023
California State Raw Records Raw Master 4a -125 Bench Press push-pull 115 kg 10/07/2023
California State Raw Records Raw Master 4a -125 Bench press single lift 115 kg 10/07/2023
California State Raw Records Raw Master 4a -125 Deadlift 190 kg 05/20/2023
California State Raw Records Raw Master 4a -125 Deadlift push-pull 190 kg 05/20/2023
California State Raw Records Raw Master 4a -125 Deadlift single lift 190 kg 05/20/2023
California State Raw Records Raw Master 4a -125 Total 422.5 kg 10/07/2023
California State Raw Records Raw Master 4a -125 Total push-pull 300 kg 05/20/2023
California State Raw with Wraps Records Raw with Wraps Master 4a -125 Bench press 107.5 kg 10/11/2024

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 145 kg California State Games 03/16/2019
Bench press 115 kg California State Championship 10/07/2023
Deadlift 190 kg Masters World Cup 05/20/2023
Total 435 kg California State Games 07/14/2018

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
10/07/2023 California State Championship 1. R-M4 -125 115.10 110 117.5 122.5 105 110 115 170 185 -200 422.5 246.13
05/20/2023 Masters World Cup 1. R-M4 -125 117.80 -115 -115 115 110 -115 -115 165 175 190 415 239.83
03/18/2023 Make Your Own Luck Open 1. R-M4 -125 117.50 110 115 -120 102.5 107.5 -112.5 165 175 187.5 410 237.15
09/10/2022 Absolute Flex Appeal - Fall Sizzle 28. R-M3B -125 119.65 97.5 102.5 115 97.5 110 -115 162.5 172.5 182.5 407.5 234.26
03/16/2019 California State Games 1. R-M3B -120 115.10 -132.5 132.5 145 107.5 110 -115 180 -187.5 -187.5 435 327.82
07/14/2018 California State Games 1. R-M3B -120 113.55 115 125 142.5 107.5 -117.5 -117.5 165 175 185 435 253.65
07/15/2017 CA State Games & USA Masters Games 1. R-M3B -120 117.90 110 117.5 122.5 90 100 107.5 155 167.5 175 405 233.85

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 107.5 kg Olympia 10/11/2024
Bench press 107.5 kg Olympia 10/11/2024
Deadlift 160 kg Olympia 10/11/2024
Total 375 kg Olympia 10/11/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
10/11/2024 Olympia 1. RW-M4A -125 117.55 102.5 -107.5 107.5 102.5 105 107.5 147.5 -155 160 375 216.87