Lifting Database

Lifter - Joshua Flemembaum

Birth year: 1982
State: Maryland

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Bench press 130 kg Deadlift and Push-Pull Nationals 11/19/2016
Deadlift 232.5 kg Deadlift and Push-Pull Nationals 11/19/2016
Squat 190 kg Maryland Power Outage 06/24/2023
Total 537.5 kg Maryland Power Outage 06/24/2023

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
06/24/2023 Maryland Power Outage 1. R-M1A -100 94.10 175 185 190 112.5 120 -125 205 215 227.5 537.5 340.07
08/26/2017 Baltimore Open 1. R-O -93 87.90 225 -232.5 -232.5 225 145.42
08/26/2017 Baltimore Open 1. R-O -93 87.90 115 120 -122.5 120 77.56
08/26/2017 Baltimore Open 3. R-O -93 87.90 180 -185 185 115 120 -122.5 225 -232.5 -232.5 530 342.54
11/19/2016 Deadlift and Push-Pull Nationals 1. R-O -93 92.35 122.5 130 -132.5 227.5 232.5 -242.5 362.5 228.48
11/19/2016 Deadlift and Push-Pull Nationals 1. R-O -93 92.35 227.5 232.5 -242.5 232.5 146.54