Lifting Database

Lifter - Ellen Gostling

Birth year: 1997
State: Colorado


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Colorado State Equipped Records Junior -90 Squat 207.5 kg 02/23/2020
Colorado State Equipped Records Junior -90 Bench press 145 kg 09/29/2019
Colorado State Equipped Records Junior -90 Bench press single lift 145 kg 09/29/2019
Colorado State Equipped Records Junior -90 Deadlift 177.5 kg 02/23/2020
Colorado State Equipped Records Junior -90 Deadlift single lift 177.5 kg 02/23/2020
Colorado State Equipped Records Junior -90 Total 525 kg 09/29/2019
Colorado State Equipped Records Junior -90 Total push-pull 320 kg 09/29/2019

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 140 kg Rocky Mountain State Games 07/29/2018
Bench press 80 kg Rocky Mountain State Games 07/29/2018
Deadlift 145 kg Rocky Mountain State Games 07/29/2018
Total 365 kg Rocky Mountain State Games 07/29/2018

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
07/29/2018 Rocky Mountain State Games 1. R-JR -84 83.40 122.5 132.5 140 80 -87.5 -87.5 127.5 137.5 145 365 326.68
04/19/2018 2018 Collegiate Nationals 16. R-C -84 82.70 102.5 115 122.5 60 67.5 -75 120 132.5 -142.5 322.5 289.86
11/18/2017 2017 RMLC Championships 1. R-JR -84 78.70 95 102.5 112.5 52.5 57.5 -62.5 125 132.5 140 310 286.29
09/16/2017 2nd Annual Colorado Fall Open 1. R-JR -84 76.79 85 90 95 47.5 50 52.5 110 122.5 132.5 280 262.36

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Squat 207.5 kg Colorado State Championships 02/23/2020
Bench press 145 kg Attack of the Kilo Monster 09/29/2019
Deadlift 177.5 kg Colorado State Championships 02/23/2020
Total 525 kg Attack of the Kilo Monster 09/29/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/23/2020 Colorado State Championships 1. JR -84 83.66 -195 195 207.5 -140 -140 140 160 172.5 177.5 525 611.63
09/29/2019 Attack of the Kilo Monster 1. JR -84 83.23 190 200 205 132.5 140 145 157.5 170 175 525 612.78 X
08/31/2019 2019 Bench Nationals 2. O -84 83.25 130 135 140 140 634.14 X
08/31/2019 2019 Bench Nationals 2. JR -84 83.25 130 135 140 140 634.14 X
04/12/2019 2019 Collegiate Nationals 8. C -84 82.95 175 187.5 195 112.5 120 -122.5 152.5 165 -167.5 480 570.28
11/17/2018 RMLC Championships 1. JR -84 83.68 152.5 162.5 -175 100 110 117.5 137.5 150 160 440 393.10 X