Lifting Database

Lifter - Chelsea Mathews

Birth year: 1983
State: Indiana


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Indiana State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Squat 152.5 kg 05/04/2024
Indiana State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Bench press 95 kg 05/04/2024
Indiana State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Bench press single lift 95 kg 05/04/2024
Indiana State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Deadlift 197.5 kg 05/04/2024
Indiana State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Deadlift single lift 197.5 kg 05/04/2024
Indiana State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Total 445 kg 05/04/2024
Indiana State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Total push-pull 292.5 kg 05/04/2024

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 170 kg Indiana State Powerlifting Championship 02/23/2019
Bench press 95 kg United Ladies of Iron 05/04/2024
Deadlift 197.5 kg Indiana Ladies of Iron 05/04/2024
Total 445 kg United Ladies of Iron 05/04/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/04/2024 United Ladies of Iron 1. R-M1 -100 95.50 152.5 -165 -165 -87.5 90 95 175 187.5 197.5 445 386.81
05/04/2024 Indiana Ladies of Iron 1. R-M1A -100 95.50 152.5 -165 -165 -87.5 90 95 175 187.5 197.5 445 386.81
10/16/2019 2019 Raw Nationals 44. R-O 84+ 89.27 145 152.5 160 82.5 -87.5 -87.5 170 180 -190 422.5 629.58
02/23/2019 Indiana State Powerlifting Championship 1. R-O 84+ 101.10 160 170 -175 82.5 -87.5 -87.5 170 180 187.5 440 624.56 X
01/27/2018 Hoosier Open 4. R-O 84+ 95.80 145 152.5 157.5 70 75 -80 162.5 170 -175 402.5 339.71 X