Lifting Database

Lifter - Michael Schrimpf

Birth year: 1977
State: Missouri


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Missouri State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -82.5 Deadlift 252.5 kg 06/01/2019
Missouri State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -90 Deadlift 255 kg 01/29/2022
Missouri State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -90 Deadlift 255 kg 01/29/2022
Missouri State Equipped Records Master 1a -82.5 Deadlift single lift 237.5 kg 05/05/2018

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 200 kg Beast of The Metro East 01/29/2022
Bench press 122.5 kg Beast of The Metro East 01/29/2022
Deadlift 255 kg Beast of The Metro East 01/29/2022
Total 577.5 kg Beast of The Metro East 01/29/2022

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
01/29/2022 Beast of The Metro East 1. R-M1 -90 85.60 182.5 192.5 200 110 117.5 122.5 232.5 245 255 577.5 383.30
01/29/2022 Beast of The Metro East - R-M1B -90 85.60 182.5 192.5 200 110 117.5 122.5 232.5 245 255 577.5 383.30
03/13/2021 Bad Hand Invitational 5. R-M1A -83 82.20 175 185 192.5 105 112.5 115 225 240 252.5 560 77.90
11/07/2020 Built Strong 1. R-M1A -83 81.10 170 177.5 185 100 107.5 -112.5 215 227.5 235 527.5 73.88
12/07/2019 Beast of the Metro East 1. R-M1 -83 79.40 165 180 -185 105 110 112.5 210 230 240 532.5 536.47
06/01/2019 Missouri State Championships 1. R-M1 -83 79.25 170 185 190 107.5 115 -117.5 220 235 252.5 557.5 566.40
04/13/2019 Springfield Showdown 1. R-M1A -83 78.50 170 180 187.5 107.5 112.5 -117.5 220 235 250 550 561.46
04/13/2019 Springfield Showdown 1. R-M1 -83 78.50 170 180 187.5 107.5 112.5 -117.5 220 235 250 550 561.46
02/16/2019 Swolemates Challenge 1. R-M -83 78.70 170 180 187.5 107.5 115 -120 220 235 247.5 550 560.43
12/08/2018 Beast of the Metro East 1. R-M1A -83 78.25 165 175 185 107.5 115 -120 220 230 245 545 377.41
09/29/2018 Music City Classic 1. R-M -83 80.00 165 175 185 107.5 112.5 -120 220 230 242.5 540 368.66
07/14/2018 Midwest & Central Super Regionals 1. R-M1A -83 79.70 165 175 -187.5 107.5 112.5 117.5 220 232.5 240 532.5 364.39
05/05/2018 2018 Missouri State Championships 1. R-M1 -83 79.80 162.5 172.5 182.5 107.5 112.5 -117.5 215 225 237.5 532.5 364.12
02/18/2018 River's Edge 2018 1. R-M1A -83 78.70 -160 160 170 107.5 112.5 115 200 215 227.5 512.5 353.57