Lifting Database

Lifter - Anna Castano

Birth year: 1982
State: Colorado


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Open -100 Bench press 102.5 kg 05/07/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Open -100 Bench press single lift 102.5 kg 05/07/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Squat 162.5 kg 06/08/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Bench press 102.5 kg 05/07/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Bench press single lift 102.5 kg 05/07/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Deadlift 185 kg 10/05/2024
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Deadlift single lift 185 kg 10/05/2024
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Total 442.5 kg 06/08/2022
Colorado State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -100 Total push-pull 280 kg 06/08/2022

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 162.5 kg Mega Nationals 06/08/2022
Bench press 102.5 kg Revenge of the Kilo Monster 04/17/2021
Deadlift 192.5 kg Revenge of the Kilo Monster 04/17/2021
Total 455 kg Revenge of the Kilo Monster 04/17/2021

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
10/05/2024 Metal Mayhem 1. R-M1A -100 98.40 150 155 -160 90 92.5 -95 175 -185 185 432.5 371.42 X
06/08/2022 Mega Nationals 3. R-M1 -100 98.57 152.5 162.5 -167.5 97.5 -100 -100 170 182.5 -187.5 442.5 379.75
05/07/2022 Branch Warren Classic 1. R-O -100 97.62 152.5 -162.5 -162.5 97.5 102.5 -105 165 -180 -180 420 361.83
04/17/2021 Revenge of the Kilo Monster 3. R-O 84+ 96.90 147.5 -160 160 97.5 102.5 -107.5 180 192.5 -197.5 455 81.87
10/16/2019 2019 Raw Nationals 40. R-O 84+ 95.66 147.5 155 -157.5 87.5 92.5 -95 177.5 182.5 -187.5 430 623.57
07/28/2019 Rocky Mountain State Games - R-O 84+ 95.10 -155 -155 -155 87.5 -92.5 -92.5 180 182.5 -187.5 0 0.00
02/09/2019 Colorado State Championships 1. R-O 84+ 93.53 -150 155 -160 82.5 87.5 -90 172.5 177.5 -182.5 420 614.66 X
09/16/2018 Colorado Fall Open III: License to Lift 1. R-O 84+ 93.32 140 145 150 87.5 -90 -90 165 172.5 -180 410 349.28
07/29/2018 Rocky Mountain State Games - R-O 84+ 93.78 132.5 140 145 -92.5 -92.5 -92.5 162.5 170 -182.5 0 0.00
04/28/2018 Gorilla Warfare II: Pandora's Box 1. R-O 84+ 94.80 125 -132.5 132.5 85 -92.5 -95 165 -177.5 -182.5 382.5 323.98
02/11/2018 2018 CO State Championships 1. R-O 84+ 93.38 117.5 -122.5 -127.5 77.5 82.5 -87.5 145 157.5 167.5 367.5 313.00