Lifting Database

Lifter - Larry Martin

Birth year: 1983
State: Alaska

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 207.5 kg 32nd Alaska State Championship 04/30/2016
Bench press 132.5 kg 32nd Alaska State Championship 04/30/2016
Deadlift 260 kg 32nd Alaska State Championship 04/30/2016
Total 600 kg 32nd Alaska State Championship 04/30/2016

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
04/30/2016 32nd Alaska State Championship 6. R-O -105 103.60 197.5 207.5 -217.5 125 132.5 -140 240 260 -282.5 600 360.24
04/26/2014 Alaska State Championship 2. R-O -90 89.70 180 125 230 535 342.13
02/22/2014 USA Powerlifting Frostbite Classic 2. R-O -100 100.00 205 125 240 570 346.90
09/14/2013 Top of the World Powerlifting Challenge - R-O -100 99.30 190 127.5 245 562.5 343.29
04/20/2013 2013 USAPL Alaska State Championships - R-O -90 89.70 182.5 125 230 537.5 343.73
01/01/2012 2012 USAPL Alaska State Powerlifting Championships - R-O -100 99.20 190 130 245 565 344.99