Lifting Database

Lifter - Dorian Raboy-McGowan

Birth year: 1999
State: Hawaii


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 260 kg Boss of NorCal Winter Classic 02/29/2020
Bench press 145 kg Oregon State Championships 03/16/2024
Deadlift 290 kg Washington State Championship 10/05/2024
Total 682.5 kg Oregon State Championships 03/16/2024

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
10/05/2024 Washington State Championship 1. R-G -82.5 81.60 235 -250 250 135 142.5 -150 265 277.5 290 682.5 465.22 X
03/16/2024 Oregon State Championships 1. R-G -82.5 80.95 240 252.5 -265 132.5 142.5 145 260 275 285 682.5 467.38
02/29/2020 Boss of NorCal Winter Classic 1. R-JR -83 81.30 242.5 255 260 125 -132.5 135 240 250 270 665 679.85
02/23/2019 Boss of NorCal Winter Championship 2019 2. R-JR -83 82.10 227.5 237.5 247.5 122.5 130 -135 242.5 252.5 260 637.5 643.87
02/24/2018 Boss of Norcal 6 Winter Championship 1. R-T3 -93 92.20 212.5 -220 220 115 -120 125 210 220 227.5 572.5 361.13