Lifting Database

Lifter - Ariana Aranda

Birth year: 1994
State: Wisconsin


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Wisconsin State Raw Records Raw Open -100 Squat 180 kg 04/30/2022
Wisconsin State Raw Records Raw Open -100 Total 447.5 kg 04/30/2022

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 197.5 kg 2020 Collegiate Nationals 11/20/2020
Bench press 82.5 kg Wisconsin Ladies of Iron 04/30/2022
Deadlift 192.5 kg 2020 Collegiate Nationals 11/20/2020
Total 467.5 kg 2020 Collegiate Nationals 11/20/2020

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
10/26/2024 Freak Fest 1. R-O -100 95.97 165 172.5 177.5 62.5 67.5 75 155 165 177.5 430 373.02 X
10/14/2023 Jacked O'Lantern Open 1. R-O -90 87.95 155 162.5 170 60 67.5 72.5 155 165 -170 407.5 367.06 X
04/30/2022 United Ladies of iron 4. R-O -100 98.10 150 165 180 70 77.5 82.5 160 175 185 447.5 384.77 X
04/30/2022 Wisconsin Ladies of Iron 1. R-O -100 98.10 150 165 180 70 77.5 82.5 160 175 185 447.5 384.77 X
01/23/2021 WI State Championship 10. R-O 84+ 92.70 185 -195 -195 70 77.5 -82.5 175 -185 -185 437.5 79.79 X
11/20/2020 2020 Collegiate Nationals 3. R-C 84+ 95.00 182.5 190 197.5 -70 77.5 -82.5 177.5 185 192.5 467.5 84.61
01/25/2020 WI State Championship 2. R-O 84+ 96.70 162.5 167.5 172.5 67.5 75 -80 160 167.5 172.5 420 606.93
06/16/2018 Iowa State Championships 1. R-JR -84 83.00 -152.5 152.5 -155 67.5 -70 -70 147.5 152.5 157.5 377.5 338.69
03/10/2018 Quad City Throw Down 1. R-JR -84 82.40 105 125 147.5 47.5 62.5 -70 115 155 162.5 372.5 335.44