Lifting Database

Lifter - Cody Almendarez

Birth year: 1992
State: Texas

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 162.5 kg Brawl in the Falls 11/09/2019
Bench press 82.5 kg Brawl in the Falls 11/09/2019
Deadlift 212.5 kg Brawl in the Falls 11/09/2019
Total 457.5 kg Brawl in the Falls 11/09/2019

kgkgClick and drag to zoomSquatBench pressDeadliftTotalMay '18Jul '18Sep '18Nov '18Jan '19Mar '19May '19Jul '19Sep '19Nov '19100150200250300100200300400500
Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/09/2019 Brawl in the Falls 3. R-O -74 67.26 145 155 162.5 80 82.5 -87.5 190 205 212.5 457.5 510.16
11/09/2019 Brawl in the Falls 2. R-PF -74 67.26 145 155 162.5 80 82.5 -87.5 190 205 212.5 457.5 510.16
03/16/2019 3rd Annual New Mexico State Championship 2. R-O -66 65.36 150 155 -157.5 80 -85 -85 190 195 200 435 492.32
03/17/2018 New Mexico State Championship 1. R-O -66 62.94 135 145 150 -72.5 75 80 175 185 190 420 343.27