Lifting Database

Lifter - Tyler Jones

Birth year: 1990
State: Pennsylvania

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 93 kg Halloween Havoc at the Rock 10/20/2018
Bench press 45.4 kg Halloween Havoc at the Rock 10/20/2018
Deadlift 113.4 kg Halloween Havoc at the Rock 10/20/2018
Total 251.8 kg Halloween Havoc at the Rock 10/20/2018

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
10/20/2018 Halloween Havoc at the Rock 2. R-O 84+ 115.60 83.9 86.2 93 40.8 45.4 -49.9 95.3 102.1 113.4 251.8 202.72