Lifting Database

Lifter - Drake McCrary

Birth year: 1984
State: Texas

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 235 kg Winter Games of Texas 01/19/2020
Bench press 155 kg Power of Rise Classic 02/26/2022
Deadlift 272.5 kg Kilo Showdown 04/22/2023
Total 650 kg Kilo Showdown 04/22/2023

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
01/18/2025 Texas State Championships 1. R-M1 -90 89.25 202.5 220 230 135 145 -150 235 245 -265 620 402.60
11/09/2024 TBS Houston Lift-Off 1. R-M1 -90 89.60 202.5 227.5 -237.5 135 150 -157.5 235 250 -275 627.5 406.66
04/22/2023 Kilo Showdown 2. R-O -90 89.50 215 227.5 232.5 145 -152.5 -152.5 237.5 257.5 272.5 650 421.48
02/26/2022 Power of Rise Classic 1. R-O -90 88.60 220 232.5 -235 147.5 155 -162.5 237.5 255 260 647.5 422.03
01/19/2020 Winter Games of Texas 5. R-O -93 89.50 215 227.5 235 142.5 152.5 -157.5 245 257.5 -270 645 615.72
03/16/2019 Capital City Classic 1. R-O -93 88.30 210 -225 225 137.5 147.5 -157.5 232.5 245 252.5 625 599.33 X
12/01/2018 2018 Collegiate Cup & Texas Open 4. R-O -93 89.20 195 210 215 130 137.5 145 220 235 245 605 387.99