Lifting Database

Lifter - Angela Hobbs

Birth year: 1970
State: Wisconsin


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Wisconsin State Raw Records Raw Master 1a 100+ Bench press 115 kg 10/26/2024
Wisconsin State Raw Records Raw Master 1a 100+ Bench press single lift 115 kg 10/26/2024
Wisconsin State Raw Records Raw Master 1b 100+ Squat 140 kg 10/26/2024
Wisconsin State Raw Records Raw Master 1b 100+ Bench press 115 kg 10/26/2024
Wisconsin State Raw Records Raw Master 1b 100+ Bench press single lift 115 kg 10/26/2024
Wisconsin State Raw Records Raw Master 2a 100+ Squat 140 kg 10/26/2024
Wisconsin State Raw Records Raw Master 2a 100+ Bench press 115 kg 10/26/2024
Wisconsin State Raw Records Raw Master 2a 100+ Bench press single lift 115 kg 10/26/2024

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 177.5 kg WHSPA State Championship 03/02/2019
Bench press 115 kg Freak Fest 10/26/2024
Deadlift 177.5 kg WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships 03/07/2020
Total 460 kg WHSPA State Championship 03/02/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
10/26/2024 Freak Fest 1. R-M2A 100+ 153.43 120 132.5 140 107.5 110 115 110 117.5 122.5 377.5 290.96
05/04/2024 United Ladies of Iron 1. R-M2A 100+ 151.00 105 120 130 100 102.5 105 102.5 110 117.5 352.5 271.69
05/04/2024 Wisconsin Ladies of Iron 1. R-M2A 100+ 151.00 105 120 130 100 102.5 105 102.5 110 117.5 352.5 271.69
03/07/2020 WHSPA State Powerlifting Championships 16. R-HS -83 81.10 162.5 170 175 100 102.5 105 162.5 170 177.5 457.5 708.60
03/02/2019 WHSPA State Championship 10. R-T2 -93 83.15 165 175 177.5 97.5 102.5 107.5 165 -175 175 460 704.91