Lifting Database

Lifter - William Zajac

Birth year: 1991
State: Colorado

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 160 kg Attack of the Kilo Monster 09/29/2019
Bench press 107.5 kg Colorado State Championships 02/09/2019
Deadlift 212.5 kg Colorado State Championships 02/23/2020
Total 477.5 kg Attack of the Kilo Monster 09/29/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
02/23/2020 Colorado State Championships 29. R-O -83 80.90 135 150 -162.5 102.5 -107.5 -110 202.5 212.5 -227.5 465 451.50
09/29/2019 Attack of the Kilo Monster 3. R-O -83 80.28 135 150 160 102.5 107.5 -112.5 200 210 -225 477.5 468.52
09/14/2019 Choice City Classic 3. R-O -83 80.40 135 140 150 -102.5 102.5 107.5 200 210 -227.5 467.5 456.44
03/16/2019 Elevate Barbell Championship 8. R-O -93 87.30 -135 135 147.5 102.5 107.5 -110 190 200 210 465 427.60
02/09/2019 Colorado State Championships 4. R-O -93 90.00 -135 135 145 102.5 107.5 -115 180 202.5 207.5 460 413.21