Lifting Database

Lifter - Nate Wagoner

Birth year: 1993


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Bench press 132.5 kg Kalamazoo Klassic II 09/27/2014
Deadlift 227.5 kg Kalamazoo Klassic II 09/27/2014
Squat 187.5 kg Michigan State PL & BP Championships 11/01/2014
Total 535 kg Kalamazoo Klassic II 09/27/2014

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/01/2014 Michigan State PL & BP Championships 1. R-JR -90 84.90 187.5 120 220 527.5 347.52
09/27/2014 Kalamazoo Klassic II 1. R-JR -90 84.60 175 132.5 227.5 535 353.15
05/10/2014 5th Annual Ironman Push/Pull Meet 1. R-JR -82.5 81.40 120 202.5 322.5 217.82

Results - Equipped

Personal bests

Bench press 180 kg 2015 Michigan Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships 11/14/2015
Squat 230 kg 2015 Michigan Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships 11/14/2015
Deadlift 245 kg 2015 Michigan Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships 11/14/2015
Total 655 kg 2015 Michigan Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships 11/14/2015

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
11/14/2015 2015 Michigan Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships 1. JR -93 91.53 212.5 222.5 230 172.5 180 -182.5 222.5 232.5 245 655 414.62
08/29/2015 USAPL Bench Press Nationals 2. JR -93 88.90 165 172.5 -182.5 172.5 110.81
05/30/2015 7th Annual Ironman (Push/Pull) Meet 1. O -93 88.50 -157.5 157.5 165 165 106.26