Lifting Database

Lifter - Simon Hau

Birth year: 1986
State: New York

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 192.5 kg Squats and Science Championship 05/01/2021
Bench press 117.5 kg Squats and Science Championship 05/01/2021
Deadlift 225 kg Squats and Science Championship 05/01/2021
Total 535 kg Squats and Science Championship 05/01/2021

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
05/01/2021 Squats and Science Championship 7. R-O -93 88.75 177.5 187.5 192.5 105 112.5 117.5 205 215 225 535 71.62
03/14/2020 Squats and Science Championship 8. R-O -93 88.15 167.5 177.5 182.5 105 110 115 200 210 -220 507.5 471.27
03/23/2019 Squats & Science Championship 8. R-O -93 84.45 142.5 150 157.5 100 105 107.5 175 182.5 187.5 452.5 423.70