Lifting Database

Lifter - Edward Jonathan Acevedo

Birth year: 1991
State: Georgia


Type Division Discipline Weight Date

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 217.5 kg For Whom The Barbell Tolls 10/26/2019
Bench press 190 kg Georgia State Bench Press Championships 10/29/2022
Deadlift 285 kg For Whom The Barbell Tolls 10/26/2019
Total 657.5 kg For Whom The Barbell Tolls 10/26/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
10/29/2022 Georgia State Bench Press Championships 1. R-O -125 110.95 -190 190 -195 190 112.17 X
10/26/2019 For Whom The Barbell Tolls 2. R-O -93 90.30 205 212.5 217.5 150 -155 155 275 280 285 657.5 625.65 X
10/26/2019 For Whom The Barbell Tolls 1. R-O -93 90.30 150 -155 155 155 595.05 X
10/26/2019 For Whom The Barbell Tolls 1. R-O -93 90.30 150 -155 155 275 280 285 440 390.66 X
10/26/2019 For Whom The Barbell Tolls - R-O -93 90.30 275 280 285 285 668.44 X
04/06/2019 Georgia Spring Open 1. R-O -93 92.95 197.5 205 210 150 155 -160 265 272.5 280 645 600.76