Lifting Database

Lifter - Sheila Nielsen

Birth year: 1977
State: Oregon


Type Division Discipline Weight Date
Oregon State Raw Records Raw Open -52 Deadlift single lift 140 kg 10/07/2023
Oregon State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -52 Squat 100 kg 03/16/2024
Oregon State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -52 Bench press 50 kg 05/04/2019
Oregon State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -52 Bench press single lift 50 kg 05/04/2019
Oregon State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -52 Deadlift 140 kg 10/07/2023
Oregon State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -52 Deadlift single lift 140 kg 10/07/2023
Oregon State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -52 Total 285 kg 10/07/2023
Oregon State Raw Records Raw Master 1a -52 Total push-pull 187.5 kg 10/07/2023
Oregon State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -52 Squat 100 kg 03/16/2024
Oregon State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -52 Bench press 50 kg 03/16/2024
Oregon State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -52 Bench press single lift 50 kg 03/16/2024
Oregon State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -52 Deadlift 140 kg 10/07/2023
Oregon State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -52 Deadlift single lift 140 kg 10/07/2023
Oregon State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -52 Total 285 kg 10/07/2023
Oregon State Raw Records Raw Master 1b -52 Total push-pull 187.5 kg 10/07/2023

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 100 kg Oregon State Championships 03/16/2024
Bench press 50 kg Oregon Ladies of Iron 05/04/2019
Deadlift 140 kg Oregon Open 10/07/2023
Total 285 kg Oregon Open 10/07/2023

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
03/16/2024 Oregon State Championships 1. R-M1B -52 49.80 92.5 100 -105 -35 40 50 132.5 135 -145 285 358.13
10/07/2023 Oregon Open 1. R-M1B -52 51.85 85 92.5 97.5 42.5 47.5 -50 130 137.5 140 285 348.09
10/16/2019 2019 Raw Nationals 6. R-M1 -52 50.48 90 95 -100 40 47.5 -50 125 135 -142.5 277.5 530.42
07/27/2019 Northwest Regionals 1. R-M1 -52 51.20 85 90 92.5 -47.5 -47.5 47.5 120 130 137.5 277.5 526.50
05/04/2019 United Ladies of Iron 3. R-M1 -52 51.20 75 80 90 42.5 47.5 50 125 127.5 -130 267.5 506.11
05/04/2019 Oregon Ladies of Iron 1. R-M1A -52 51.20 75 80 90 42.5 47.5 50 125 127.5 -130 267.5 506.11