Lifting Database

Lifter - Larry Sanders

Birth year: 1981
State: Virginia

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Squat 167.5 kg 4th Annual Battle at the Beach 06/08/2019
Bench press 112.5 kg Virginia Holiday Havoc 12/07/2019
Deadlift 177.5 kg 4th Annual Battle at the Beach 06/08/2019
Total 452.5 kg 4th Annual Battle at the Beach 06/08/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
12/07/2019 Virginia Holiday Havoc 7. R-O -74 72.00 152.5 165 -175 105 112.5 -117.5 147.5 162.5 170 447.5 471.00
06/08/2019 4th Annual Battle at the Beach 14. R-O -83 76.60 147.5 160 167.5 107.5 -115 -122.5 157.5 170 177.5 452.5 455.15