Lifting Database

Lifter - Lorenzo McDonald

Birth year: 1987
State: Georgia

Results - Raw

Personal bests

Bench press 180 kg Season of Strength 12/07/2019
Deadlift 275 kg Season of Strength 12/07/2019
Squat 242.5 kg Season of Strength 12/07/2019
Total 697.5 kg Season of Strength 12/07/2019

Competition Placing Division Weight Squat Bench press Deadlift Total Points Drug tested
12/07/2019 Season of Strength 2. R-O -93 90.35 217.5 230 242.5 162.5 177.5 180 262.5 270 275 697.5 668.63
07/20/2019 Palmetto Classic 1. R-O -93 91.30 202.5 215 227.5 157.5 170 177.5 237.5 262.5 270 675 639.97 X
06/08/2019 Team Rohr Bench Press & Deadlift Challenge 2. R-LW -93 87.85 230 245 -262.5 245 570.73
06/08/2019 Team Rohr Bench Press & Deadlift Challenge 4. R-LW -93 87.85 157.5 162.5 170 170 664.86